Blogger BlogNet58958

For the Birds

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You've set up your bird feeders in protected areas of your yard. The birds can quickly dart into trees or shrubbery if frightened by larger birds or other neighborhood predators. You regularly buy a variety of seed and keep the feeders full. You've been enjoying the birds' antics and think you've done all you can for your feathered friends. But you may have forgotten one essential element necessary to keep the birds coming back to your yard all summer long - WATER !

You can't survive without water for long and neither can your feathered friends. Water is a must not only for drinking. It is a necessity for birds to keep their feathers clean and free of parasites. Dirty feathers add weight to a bird, which can inhibit flight.

Setting up a birdbath as a water supply solution for the birds is relatively inexpensive and easy. Locate the birdbath near your feeders so that the birds will find it quickly. A shady area will keep water at a more moderate temperature, especially at the height of summer.

A birdbath with a shallow bowl is recommended. A bird that gets soaking wet in a deep birdbath can find it difficult to fly away if predators suddenly threaten. The bowl should also have a rough surface and be tapered from the rim to the center. This gives the birds better 'footing' while moving around in the water.

Birds are particularly attracted to moving water. There are battery-operated products that can be placed in the center of birdbaths to create slight ripples in the water. This type of unit has the added benefit of warding off egg-laying mosquitoes.

Another important point is to keep the water and birdbath clean. The water should be changed every few days and the bowl scrubbed with a relatively stiff-bristled brush.

Now you can enjoy a yard full of birds eating at your feeders and splashing around in their birdbath.

Susan Osmanski is co-owner of Maxie's Gifts & More, a great online pet supply and outdoor products web-store, specializing in pampered cat products, luxury dog items, indoor bird supplies, outdoor wildlife products, decorative backyard and garden items and gifts for pet lovers. To explore their great selection of products for backyard birding, visit To see all the great products they have, please visit

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