Blogger BlogNet58958

Does Blogging Really Make Money?


There's a lot of discussion these days revolving around the question and the short answer is yes, you can make money blogging. There are people out there making an absolute killing with their blogs. The question you might be asking yourself is how can I do it. How can you go from never having set up a blog before to being able to make money blogging? Or maybe you have used a blog before and are looking for a ready made method of monetizing your blog. Fear not, the answer is here for you.

You'll have to decide what sort of model you want to base your blogging efforts on. Do you want to be a Hollywood gadfly gossip hound like Perez Hilton? Maybe you want a political blog like Arianna Huffington? Then there is the blogging about blogging model of Problogger. Which ever model you choose you're going to need a great system to start if you're going to make money blogging.

Naturally you could do all the online research yourself to figure this whole thing out but does that make sense? Or does it seem more practical to get a jump start on the market by getting a ready-made blogging system? I did my own research for a little while until I realized that I didn't need to reinvent the wheel here. That's when it hit me. How about if I just found someone who was already able to make money blogging and copy that method. I looked around at all the other people who had already asked themselves does blogging make money and I came up with a couple of candidates.

Now I admit when looking at these two they seemed very similar to each other. So how was I to decide? How would you in this case? Being the...shall I say "frugal"... (o.k. cheap) sort of guy that I am, I went with the one that gave me more stuff for less money. Not a difficult decision really. I was looking to get all the bells and whistles and I didn't want to pay an arm and a leg for it. What I got was far more than I imagined. This was a classic case of under promise and over deliver, and it promised a lot! Now I feel like I'm finally at a stage in my internet business life where things are taking off.

So, if you're ready to start making some serious blogging money, click the link in my author's box and I'll show you how to turbo charge your make money blogging efforts.

Buddy Tripp is a museum professional and part time internet marketer. If you are looking to make money online and you've ever asked yourself the question Does Blogging Really Make Money? Click on this link to his site:

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Why You Need to Know How to Blog


A blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the web, a kind of hybrid diary/guide, although there are as many unique types of blogs as there are people. Blogs range from the personal to the political, and can focus on one narrow subject or a whole range of subjects.

Many blogs focus on an exacting topic, such as web design, home staging, sports, or mobile technology. Generally speaking blogs tend to have a few things in common: A main content area with articles listed chronologically, newest on top. Often, the articles are organized into categories, a place for people to leave comments about the articles. A list of links to other related sites, sometimes called a "blog roll". A lot of blogs feature an archive based on dates. The front page of a blog may feature a calendar of dates linked to daily archives. Archives can also be based on categories featuring all the articles related to a specific category.

Starting a new blog is different and this can put many people off, there are then other people who have blogs with no comments or visits. You want to stand out from this crowd of millions of loggers; you want to be one of the few hundred thousand blogs that are actually visited. So if you want lucrative blogging. Post regularly, but don't post if you have nothing worth posting about stick with only a few specific genres to talk about. Don't put 'subscribe' and 'vote me' links all over the front page until you have people that like your blog enough to ignore them. Use a clean and simple theme if at all possible. And mostly enjoy blog for fun, comment on other people's blogs as they normally visit back.

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Blogging. For More Information on How To Blog, Visit His Site at HOW TO BLOG

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Blogger BlogNet58958: Dec 7, 2008

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