If you are looking to save at the pump during a time of record gas prices, you will want to consider increasing your MPG by converting your car to run on a mixture of gas and HHO. HHO conversion kits are the best means to increase your fuel economy and reduce your bill at the gas pump.
Browns Gas also know as Oxhydrogen (HHO) is created from water by extracting the basic elements out of the water molecules thru the use of electrolysis. This Browns Gas is packed with energy. Browns Gas is also very safe to create and store. When introduced into the cars intake manifold with the cars gas or diesel, you have a drastic increase in the fuel economy of your car.
By modifying your car to convert water to HHO it is possible to increase your cars fuel efficiency by over 40%. This would save you hundreds of dollars every month in gas.
Four other reasons to convert you car to run on water:
Reduced wear and tear of the engine.
Increased engine longevity.
You are able to qualify for IRS refunds sine you are using green technology.
You will reduce your car's maintenance costs.
It is extremely easy to install a water-to-gas conversion kit into your car. It requires only minor modifications. The HHO kit can be installed in just a few minutes. The entire process requires only basic mechanical and automotive skill. The parts are available in most hardware stores or big box home improvement warehouses. Total cost will usually be around $100 dollars for the needed parts. The technology used is completely reversible if you ever need to remove the kit and has absolutely no effect on yours cars warranty.
The HHO or Browns Gas kits are not a new technology, thousands of people have successfully installed the kits run their car on water and have enjoyed the benefits of a lower gas bill.
Plans to manufacture and install water to gas conversion kits are readily available on the Internet. The parts are readily available at most hardware stores or big box home improvement warehouse. One such set of plans is available from Run A Car On Water.
Are you ready to build your very own hydrogen generator system to run your car on water today?
For more information on getting your own set of plans to convert water to gas. Save thousands on FUEL!
Car DVDHerbal medicines are becoming a popular cure for many health problems commonly found in modern societies. In fact, this alternative method of treatment is being considered as a safe and reliable cure for physical, mental, and emotional illnesses experienced by many individuals today.
Herbal Medicine As Physical Remedies
Even before the advent of modern medical treatment methods, our ancient ancestors were already utilizing the curative properties of plants and herbs to address physical health problems. Herbal medicines are commonly used as poultices for open wounds to avoid possible infection from being in contact with the environment. It can also be used to combat common household ailments, such as fever, cough, colds, flu, and so on. Some plants can also remove parasites and worms commonly found in children and also in some adults.
Herbal Beauty Products
To address the need of maintaining youthful beauty without spending too much money and avoiding possible risks, a lot of people today are making use of herbal products to remove skin problems like scars, acnes, wrinkles, and so on. Some are even used to whiten dark skins and removing dark spots.
Mental And Emotional Cure
Herbal medicines are known to be an effective cure against mental and emotional problems as well. In fact, doctors prescribe certain herbal medicines to combat mental and emotional problems, such as anxiety, fear, trauma, depression, and so on.
In most cases, herbal products administered orally or through aromatherapy can induce a calm, trance-like state to an individual, allowing medical experts to control their actions or increasing the possibility of cure. In fact, these methods are commonly used in mental institutions worldwide.
Consulting Your Health Expert
If you are planning to use herbal products to address your health problems, then it is advisable that you consult with an expert first to maximize treatment and to avoid any side-effects to your body. If you think that herbal medicines do not have any negative effect when used, then you are absolutely wrong. In truth, medicines -- herbal or synthetic -- can have adverse effects when not utilized properly.
Also, you need to purchase herbal medicines prescribed to you by your medical expert and nothing else. Avoid self-medication at all cost and follow closely the instructions given to you to maximize the healing effect. Increasing the dosage will not expedite the healing process; in fact, it can only make matters worse that will lead to serious complications.
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