Blogger BlogNet58958

My Secrets to Making Money Online


There are many ways to make money without money. My current is using my blog to make money online and I am researching what works and what does not work for me. Many people think that they can just put up a website, sit back and watch the money roll in. There is nothing further from the truth. In fact after nearly 3 months i have only made a disappoining 150$ and i have been working hard at it. so I decided to take a look at where I was going wrong and i started to research the way to make money on the internet.

So here we go!

I spent the day researching the internet to find out what makes a difference when it comes to internet marketing and this is what I have discovered so far:

1) You must have good interesting content on your sites. This is very important. Also if the content is original content even better;

2) It really helps if you have your own domain rather than a free blog like this one;

3) Niche marketing is very important;

4) Free is a growing trend;

5) Solve people's problems;

6) Key words are important;

7) Follow the rules;

8) High ranking on the search engines is important;

9) Getting links on other sites to your site in very important. These sites should be similarly related in content;

10) Social networking sites must be used;

11) There is a huge amount of rubbish on the internet and people are looking for great content;

12) It is very important to track your results and make changes accordingly;

13) Don't ram buying products down the visitors throats;

14) Get a mentor in your chosen subject;

15) Have a targeted plan and follow it;

16) Set up a system;

17) Work in an area that you are passionate about;

18) You need to invest time and money to get results;

19) Do not treat your project as a sideline;

20) Give your customer what he wants not what you think he wants and do not screw anyone. Give them a good value product and maintain stickability.

I am sure there are other things, but for me these are the most important things I found today. Have an abundant day and hopefully we can make money without money! provides information and ideas relating to making money while being online. You can stop by our site and get a free education on how to make money with online business.

Be sure to check out our page for free books and information on how to make money without money.

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Surely, there will be some moments in time throughout an online entrepreneur's work when they will no longer have the passion of really working and maintaining their page's reputation and profits. This loss of passion usually comes from boredom or a long string of failures that has cut deep into the heart of the owner. If you lose your passion for regulating your blog site and making it better, then there are a few things that you can do to regain that motivation and continue to have a successful online business.

In many situations, there exist many online workers who ask and worry about how they will be able to gain that motivation for online work back again so that they can still increase their income from a successful blog site and maintain a great reputation. There are quite a few ways to reignite that desire to blog, but must be done soon so that you will still have the motivation to deal with your blog site on the Internet. This particular article lists a few ways that will help you, as a blog owner, to get back the desire to blog.

Probably the most effective method that you can use to regain that strong passion is by starting and finishing creative projects for your web site that will help you to make money with the Internet. There are many different types of projects that you can do that will reignite your excitement for running your blog site and will help you to become even more popular in the online world.

A particular creative project that will assist you in regaining your passion for working on the Internet is to completely refresh the look and content of your blog site. Research the existing trends of the Internet market and learn what people are now looking for when they visit various web sites and blogs. You should also learn about and make crucial updates to your blog so that your Internet audience will stay interested in reading all of the content that you provide and post on your site.

An additional creative project that you could start and finish is a contest that your online guests could participate in and be a part of. There are many different types of competitions that you can come up with, but just make sure that it promotes a lot of interaction from your visitors and also a very entertaining atmosphere. The best part about a competition is the prizes, so be sure to award prizes to the people that actually win the competition.

Many web page owners only publish material on their own pages, which can often times not be very interesting for site visitors. If this is the case, instead of posting textual articles all of the time, you should try to post new content such as videos, pictures, and even audio files. People like to visit blog sites that have entertaining and interesting content posted on them and will be attracted to those that follow this effective project.

Court provides information about how to make money with the internet through his website: Court's Internet Marketing School.


Blogger BlogNet58958: Oct 12, 2008

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