Blogger BlogNet58958

Why You Need an Age of Conan Leveling Guide

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Leveling up is a key process in most MMORPGs, and it can also be a strenuous one. Most players in Age of Conan, among other MMOs, are experiencing this firsthand. They continue to struggle as their characters' levels increase, causing their uninterest in the game itself, and sometimes causing them to stop playing. While this could be good for some players, cutting down the hours they spend fixed in front of their screens, it's just a hassle for others.

Players experiencing troubles while leveling their characters usually end up dishing out a lot more money straight into Funcom's pockets, and never progress in the game. They'll continue to keep making new characters, until the point where it becomes a challenge to level, and then repeat the process. They endlessly search the game for an easier way, trying to level by their selves, when they could be zooming through the game. The problem is that they don't know how to 'zoom through'. That's where Age of Conan leveling guides come in.

These leveling guides, produced for both players having trouble leveling, and players who'd like to level faster, can end up helping greatly, not to mention saving you loads of money that you would really be throwing away otherwise. A lot of players believe that these guides are scams, and they really won't work. But let me tell you, they're more than 100% better than the guides Funcom has produced for the game. Age of Conan Leveling Guides provide a full, detailed leveling path from levels 1 to 80, that any player can follow step by step, and easily get to level 80 in no time.

The average time it takes for a player with no help to get to level 80 can be over 3 months. They'll be paying $50 for the game, and another $30 for a two months subscription. What's worse? If they ever want to make another character, they'll be spending another $30+ for more months of game time! Age of Conan leveling guides can save you a lot of time, and a lot of money. At one-time fees starting around $29, you'll get the ease of leveling, lifetime updates, and more! A lot of players who were previously playing 3+ months to get to level 80 can now get to it under 1 month. Just think of how much money you'll be saving compared to if you kept playing those grueling hours trying to do it without help!

If you're sick and tired of dragging yourself through countless hours of play just to progress in game, you should check out some of the great Age of Conan leveling guides featured down at the Age of Conan Goldmine

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