Dustin Hoffman, starring in "Personal Injury" said, "Ouch! That hurt!"
"Thank you Personal-Injury-Calculator, " said the Little Guy in the Street.
Eat your heart out Dustin Hoffman! The Hollywood superstar plays a millionaire Personal Injury lawyer in one of this year's blockbuster films "Personal Injury", which is due to be released later this year.
Every day personal injury lawyers, similar to the one Hoffman portrays in the film, get rich assessing and advising on small injury claim cases.
The big question when you receive any personal injury is, of course, "is it worth your while to file a claim?" You can only really decide if you have an idea how much your claim might be worth. Until now the only way to find out was to consult with a personal injury lawyer.
However, what if it was possible for you to get an idea of your potential claim value without ever leaving your house? Now it is possible! Those clever folks over at the new website www.personal-injury-calculator.com have created an engine that will give you an estimate in less than 30 seconds. So that today, the ordinary person i.e. the little guy, can take back control when it comes to the world of personal injury litigation.
The main purpose of Personal-Injury-Calculator is to empower the man in the street. This website contains a clever calculator that has been built up by extensive research to give an approximation of what a claim may be worth, given a specific set of parameters. It saves time, it saves money, and it gives the little guy a potential financial advantage.
So now, when the little guy is considering making a claim for that minor whiplash incident, he can check out the potential value online before he does anything else.
Personal-Injury-Calculator strongly recommends that anyone who chooses to pursue a claim seek expert advice from a personal injury specialist attorney, as every case has its own merits and the calculator is only a guide.
Stuart R. Anderson is a retired Naval Officer who enjoys writing informative articles for the little guy.
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